Hidden Springs Ale Works: Where Nostalgia and Stouts Meet in the Florida Sun

Discover the unique flavors and welcoming community of Hidden Springs Ale Works.

Tampa's Unexpected Craft Beer Gem

Taste the Memories

Tampa, Florida, might be best known for its beaches, sunshine, and palm trees, but it’s also home to a thriving craft beer scene that defies expectations. One brewery that plays a vital role in the Tampa Bay brewing community is Hidden Springs Ale Works. Founded in 2015 by homebrewer-turned-entrepreneur Joshua Garman, Hidden Springs has carved a unique niche for itself by specializing in nostalgic, dessert-inspired brews and surprisingly popular stouts.

The Power of Nostalgia

Hidden Springs Ale Works brews beers that evoke a sense of warmth and simpler times. Their offerings often feature flavors inspired by childhood treats, such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cookies and cream, and even Caprisun juice boxes. “We like to brew beers that bring back a sense of nostalgia,” Garman explains. “We have a peanut butter and jelly beer, a cookies and cream stout – all these kinds of crazy flavor combinations that people seem to really enjoy.” 

This focus on familiar, comforting flavors resonates with customers, creating a special connection between the beers and those who enjoy them. “It’s more than just the beer,” Garman says. “It’s the experience. We want people to come here and feel like they’re stepping back in time, to a simpler place.”

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The Unexpected Love Affair with Stouts

While Florida’s year-round warm weather might not seem like an ideal environment for enjoying stouts, Hidden Springs has found a dedicated audience for their rich, complex stouts. Garman discovered that the aquifer that provides Tampa with water naturally lends itself to creating exceptional stouts. “We use city water [and] it makes for a really nice base to build stouts off of,” Garman explains, highlighting Tampa’s unique advantage in stout brewing. 

Their commitment to quality ingredients and meticulous brewing techniques further enhances the quality of their stouts. The combination of natural water characteristics and careful craftsmanship has earned Hidden Springs a reputation for some of the best stouts in the region. “We put a lot of focus on using high-quality ingredients and meticulous brewing techniques,” Garman says. “And I think that shows in the final product.” It certainly does, and Tampa beer enthusiasts clearly agree.

Community: The Key Ingredient

Beyond their creative flavor combinations and exceptional stouts, Hidden Springs Ale Works prioritizes fostering a strong sense of community. The brewery’s taproom serves as a gathering place for locals and visitors alike, with events ranging from live music and trivia nights to fundraisers and special beer releases. Garman sees the taproom as the neighborhood’s community center: “We want to be a place where people can come together, relax, and have a good time.”

This unwavering dedication to community shines through in their “Riot Society” membership program. Exclusive to loyal customers, the program offers members special perks like monthly beer releases, exclusive access to events, and even input on future beer creations. This unique initiative gives members a sense of ownership and involvement in the brewery.

Beyond the Flavors: Hidden Springs' commitment to brewing excellence

While Hidden Springs Ale Works might be known for its playful flavors and community-first approach, the true foundation of their success lies in their unwavering dedication to quality. “We make good quality beer,” Garman emphasizes. “We don’t really want you to fuss over it and dissect it… but for us, it’s all about creating… a really nice beer with friends.” [1] This focus on quality ensures that every beer, from the nostalgic treats to the robust stouts, is thoughtfully crafted using the best ingredients and meticulous brewing practices.

Conclusion: Experience the Unexpected

Taste the nostalgia, the stellar stouts, and the vibrant community at Hidden Springs.

Hidden Springs Ale Works is a testament to the exciting and diverse flavors of the Tampa Bay beer scene. By embracing nostalgia, defying expectations with their stouts, and prioritizing community, they create more than just great beers. They create experiences customers connect with on a deeper level. If you find yourself in the Tampa area, be sure to pay them a visit and experience their unique and welcoming atmosphere. Discover why Hidden Springs is much more than just a brewery – they’re a growing cornerstone of Florida’s craft beer community.

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